Opening Gateways to Learning


Gain Learning provides access to a variety of online assessment instruments that identify personality profiles and career types. This is available for young students interested in exploring appropriate fields of study as well as adults seeking a mid-career change to embark on a more satisfying professional path.

Our educational counselors provide end-to-end customized solutions based on the results obtained during the evaluation phase. The assessment process is generally conducted on an individual basis; however, it may also be delivered in group settings within a workshop type environment.

The two distinctive instruments that GAINLearning Center uses for this evaluation and assessment process are The Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) and the Strong Interest Inventory® (SII).

Myers Briggs Type Indicator®

A key component of our personal development/career counseling service consists of helping you discover your personality type in a systematic, well-tested, and methodical way. We accomplish that by administering the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a framework for understanding individual differences and a dynamic tool for individual development. Through the MBTI, we equip you with a road map to chart your life path and help you succeed at what you do best. However, it is always important to remember that personality type is not the answer to everything, just one more tool to help you grow, achieve, and prosper in your life.

The MBTI is the most widely used personality assessment tool in the world. With a proven record of reliability spanning more than 50 years, it offers a foundation for understanding individual differences and applying that understanding to the ways people think, communicate, and interact. Versatile and dependable, the MBTI tool sets the stage for lifelong learning and development.

Strong Interest Inventory®

While the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)  focuses on assessing one’s personality profile, the Strong Interest Inventory®  (SII) guides individuals in their search for a richer and more fulfilling life of work and leisure.

SII is based on the idea that individuals are more satisfied and productive when they work in jobs or at tasks that they find interesting and when they work with people whose interests are similar to their own. SII helps you identify your optimum career choices based on your expressed interests. 

This approach is recommended for those who are embarking on a life-changing track particularly adults who are interested in exploring their entrepreneurial traits or those who are seeking graduate education.

We also provide you with the opportunity to embark on an in-depth personality assessment and career development track by combining the power of the SII assessment with that of the MBTI.



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